The Comics

A writer by trade (ha, like I get paid for this) I have only flirted with other artistic mediums. But, like most of my attempts at flirtation, I end up roundly rebuffed.

However, we must always press on! Even if other’s perhaps preferred if we pressed off. But I digress.

I once pondered on what I am trying to accomplish with my colorful circles, squares, and pointy things courtesy of MS Paint.

After about an hour of sipping coffee and thinking, the latter utterly dependent on the former, it occurred to me: I am trying to depict an idea via a joke.

And thus, this comic was born.

It’s truly perfect.

I have written one book, one manuscript, currently halfway through a script, released two albums, have three kids, and a few other endeavors, and yet: I think this might be my favorite thing I have ever created.

Why? Because it perfectly captures what I set out to do. And, at the same time, it provides some meta-commentary on what I am trying to do in three panels. And (I think) it works as a serviceable visual joke.

Much like a cake, I enjoy layers. (Incidentally, check out the vastly underseen Layercake.)

I hope you enjoy my layers.

See? Rebuffed again!

2023 Note: 

I have now written TWO manuscrupts, three screenplays, two albums, still three kids, and WAY more stupid comics. 

Stupid comics? They need the most attention. 

So go browse some more.